Archive for the ‘Experiences’ Category

After Gold Star Camp ended I went to a weeklong Lego movie making camp. Me, my best friend Jeremy and Sam made up our team of all-stars! Making the video involves stop motion animation, a lot of sequencing of the pics and adding sound effects and music.  Our first Idea was a Lego Batman film called Flight over Gotham. We built a Batwing model and a Joker helicopter model. Then we took the pictures. There were A LOT of pictures. After that we ordered them and added sound effects and music. Our next movie was called Epic Fail. I don’t want to give away too much but it involves a person who is bad at basketball. There are a few more. You will just have to watch them.

Epic Fail

Flight Over Gotham

Martian Attacks Curiosity

I just made a new video today at home with Katie. It has a custom Lego Alien and Predator. Katie(my little sister) was the set designer and she did a great job for a first timer!

Predator Torture

By Brady Mondry

Mummy Camp Part 2

Posted: August 30, 2010 in Experiences

At Mummy Camp at the Vanderbilt Museum we saw a lot of cool stuff. The museum that we went to was the marine museum. Unfortunately everything was dead but there were some cool things to see like an eel, a manta ray and a shark.

We also went to the Vanderbilt Mansion and we saw the whale shark hanging from the ceiling and in the same room there was a barracuda, a porcupine, shark, blowfish and horseshoe crabs. The next room was the Stohl Wing and it had a wart hog, tiger, lion, polar bear, leopard and ostrich.

At lunch everyday we watched Harry Potter.

We made a lot of projects.  We made pots, birdhouses, butterfly kites, mummy masks, fake sandals and hieroglyphic bookmarks. My favorite one was the hieroglyphic bookmarks because the hieroglyphic writing was our names!

On the last day of camp we went to the Dinosaur exhibit to see the T-rex model and the fossils. Then we went to the Planetarium to see the show Trip to The Planets. The only part I didn’t like that much was the thunderstorm. My favorite part was when the machine made it look like we were moving in the stars. My favorite part of the camp was the planetarium because I like seeing planets and stars. This camp is awesome!!!!!

Mummy Fun Fact:

Heart scale myth (Egyptian Myth)

When you pass away Egyptians measure your heart on a scale.  If your heart was lighter than a feather that meant you were a good listener and you were a nice person and you would go to the afterlife.   If your heart was heavier then a feather you were a mean and bad person and you would not go to the afterlife and a monster eats your heart. Remember this is only a myth.

And now a word from Mom:

Brady attended Mummy Week and Creature Week at Wizard Academy at the Vanderbilt Museum.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, here is a little bit about the museum :

“The 43-acre museum complex counts among its collections not only the Gold Coast-era mansion [1910-1936], a marine museum, natural history habitats, curator’s cottage, seaplane hangar, boathouse and numerous other estate features [gardens, fountains, balustrades and pools], but also marine and natural history specimens, house furnishings and fine arts, photographs and archives, and an extensive collection of ethnographic objects that make up the former William K. Vanderbilt II estate. A portion of today’s museum – the Hall of Fish – was actually opened to the public during Vanderbilt’s lifetime. Then, as now, the museum seeks to preserve and interpret artifacts that represent his life, collecting interests and intellectual legacy.”

For additional info please see:

During the summer their education department hosted the Wizard Academy  (located in the former Garage).  In August this was comprised of several themes spread over 4 weeks in AM and PM classes.  You could sign up for either the AM or PM or stay for both.  Originally Brady signed up just for Mummies in the morning, but decided to stay for Creatures in the afternoon. One of the greates things about Wizard Academy is the access to the Museum and it’s exhibits.  William K. Vanderbilt II had an extensive collection that has remained intact, many of his contemporaries’ collections have been broken up over time.  The different exhibits are housed in different buildings on the Vanderbilt estate.  Brady went to the Marine Museum and the Mansion to see different parts of the collection.  On the last day they went to see one of the shows at the Planetarium and also the Dinosaur exhibit.

As part of the program the kids completed many projects about Ancient Egypt, Mummies and sea creatures.   The hieroglyophic bookmarks were made on real papyrus, they made mummy masks and other burial artifacts.  They also chose a marine animal from the museum to do a watercolor of.  The kids really enjoyed making all of the projects and did a presentation at the end explaining the purpose of each item.  It was really interesting and a great experience.

Mummy Camp part 1

Posted: August 25, 2010 in Creature Info, Experiences

I am going to Mummy camp at the Vanderbilt Museum. On the first day we went to the Vanderbilt mansion to see Mr. Vanderbilt’s mummy. The mummy was a girl in a boy sarcophagus. The ways you can tell are the sarcophagus was too big for the mummy and the bones were from a female.

I was going to stay for a half day but I had so much fun I decided to stay the whole day!

On the North Fork

Posted: August 17, 2010 in Experiences

On some Fridays me, Kate and Mom drive out to Nassau Point (and dad takes the train from work) where my great grandmother keeps her summerhouse, we call it Great Granny’s.

We find lots of cool deer in the woods. I love when we go down to the dock and we see a lot of regular crabs and blue crabs. I know where the blue crabs and spider crabs hang out. The blue crabs like to sit there on the poles to the dock.  Sometimes swans swim over next to the dock and we feed them bread.

When we pick up daddy from the train station we all have dinner at The Founders Tavern because we love the food there. I have a cheeseburger and sprite, Katie has pasta and a sprite and mom and dad split a bacon cheeseburger and chicken wings.  When we go upstairs for bed I sleep with dad and Katie sleeps with mom, it’s like a sleepover.

Last weekend dad and I went on Dan’s boat and we went around Shelter Island and Dan let me drive a little bit! When we were done me and dad took a ferry back to Greenport. We went to Metal Monk and waited in a café for mom. When mom came we went o the carousel.

Sometimes we go to the causeway to find shells and go in the water.  We like to make crab sand castles.

We also like to see if the Osprey is watching over his kingdom!

I LOVE Great Granny’s!

I just HATE bees!

Posted: August 10, 2010 in Creature Info, Experiences

I have a fear of bees and the ones I hate the most are wasps, hornets, carpenter bees and yellow jackets. I am afraid of bees because of their stingers and when I get close to a bee I try to dodge them or run away because I am worried that I might get stung.  My worst bee incidents are . . .

1. Some day’s big black wasps came into my classroom at school and my teacher did nothing.

2. We had a yellow jacket nest in our chimney and Terminix sprayed the nest and the yellow jackets died.

3. I got chased by a carpenter bee at camp and I escaped.

4. At Gold Star Camp I unknowingly stepped in a yellow jacket nest and got stung by two yellow jackets at the same time and it stung like crazy! At least I know one yellow jacket sting won’t hurt as bad.

The bees I am fond of are bumblebees and honeybees and the reason I like these bees is that they are not aggressive.


Posted: August 6, 2010 in Experiences, Video Games

One day my friend Matthew and I had a play date to play our pokemon game Soul Silver together on our DS. To connect we had to go to the pokemon center and go upstairs in the union room (center) to trade. Matt let me borrow his Arceus to get to a place where only Arceus can reach in the Ruins of Alph. You go in this temple and a guy comes over and talks to you and says “is that the pokemon Arceus” and then you teleport to the Cinja ruins and you’re in this room. You can get Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. I picked Giratina and there’s a whole little scene where Arceus is going to hatch the Giratina egg and the video was awesome !

My favorite pokemon are Darkrai, Giratina and Arceus (because they look awesome, really, really cool!).

I have over one hundred pokemon cards and level X cards are the most valuable.  I have a lot of level Xs.    My favorite Pokemon games are platinum and soul silver.

I like pokemon because they are awesome creatures with powerful moves and they look cool.

Soccer Skills Clinic

Posted: July 16, 2010 in Experiences

I went to my first soccer clinic at Walt Whitman High School on Wednesday from 6-7:30pm.  At the soccer clinic the coach and some high school kids teach you moves that help you get better at soccer.  In the beginning we sat behind the left goal waiting for people to arrive.

There are six stations of soccer exercises: they are different walking and running moves, the ladder, juggling, shooting, feet moves, different types of passing and going against each other in a mini game of soccer. My favorite station is the mini game of soccer because its fun when we score a goal and celebrate.

I knew my friends Ryan, Andrew, Carley and Kevin.  It was fun seeing them there.  At the end of practice we sit by each other and put our hands in and scream Wild Cats!

I’m excited to do it again next Wednesday, VERY EXCITED!

Gold Star Camp

Posted: July 9, 2010 in Experiences

Gold Star is an awesome camp. Director Brian runs this camp.

There are six things you do each day.   First we do gym.  You can play four square, kickball, hockey, baseball or do lanyard.   Next you go down to Gold Star Beach with Julie the science teacher to catch fish or look in the touch tank. My friends and I found a pregnant horseshoe crab, shrimp and minnows. The coolest things in the touch tank are the spider crab, the lobster and the toadfish.   After science you do art with Marianne the art teacher.  We have made banners, fans, clay sculptures and so much more.   We have game time before lunch.   My favorite game is checkers.

Then it’s lunchtime outside. I sit with Chris or my counselor Joe. My favorite things I have for lunch are honey peanuts, cheese crunchies, a cookie and apple juice. Then it is free time, you can choose from science, art or gym.   Science is catching butterflies, for gym, if it’s a nice shady day, you can play capture the flag (which is my favorite).

There are three sessions of all this fun you can stay for as many as you want!