I just HATE bees!

Posted: August 10, 2010 in Creature Info, Experiences

I have a fear of bees and the ones I hate the most are wasps, hornets, carpenter bees and yellow jackets. I am afraid of bees because of their stingers and when I get close to a bee I try to dodge them or run away because I am worried that I might get stung.  My worst bee incidents are . . .

1. Some day’s big black wasps came into my classroom at school and my teacher did nothing.

2. We had a yellow jacket nest in our chimney and Terminix sprayed the nest and the yellow jackets died.

3. I got chased by a carpenter bee at camp and I escaped.

4. At Gold Star Camp I unknowingly stepped in a yellow jacket nest and got stung by two yellow jackets at the same time and it stung like crazy! At least I know one yellow jacket sting won’t hurt as bad.

The bees I am fond of are bumblebees and honeybees and the reason I like these bees is that they are not aggressive.

  1. Phyllis says:

    Hi Brady!

    I don’t know if you remember me, but I work with your Dad here at MSG and he showed me your blog. First of all, I want to tell you your blog is awesome! I really enjoy reading it. I especially liked the entries on “Toy Story 3” and the Gold Star Camp.

    As for this latest blog — I’m with you all the way! I don’t like bees either. I had a scary bee experience a few years back. I got stung and found out I was allergic. That wasn’t fun. I’m glad you were okay when you got stung by the bees at camp. That must have hurt for a while.

    I’m already looking forward to your next blog. Have a good rest of the summer and watch out for the bees! phyllis 🙂

  2. Gavan Vogler says:

    I completely agree with you Brady. I do not like bees at all. What’s a Carpenter bee? I have never heard of that type of bee but I’m already having nightmares about them.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Bees.

  3. jonette says:

    Hi Brady!

    If this happens to you at home I am sure your dad would be happy to kill any bee that comes near you.
    I hate bees too!
    Have a great summer.

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